
Your Email Could Be at Risk: Part 1

Hackers Don’t Sleep. If you are running an Exchange server on-premises or even if you lack certain email security capabilities, your email could be at risk. Most businesses rely on email to assist with day-to-day activities. But many businesses haven’t addressed new

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Embrace the New Email Standards

High Reliability |  High Security | IP Protection Nearly all businesses rely on email, but many haven’t addressed avoidable vulnerabilities, leaving their email at risk! Is this you? Here are 5 ways your email could be vulnerable: Unprotected infrastructures Lost

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What’s Wrong with the Old Email System

Email has been around for over 40 years and in that time, it has gone from being a “useful tool” to being a critically important business application.  Although the underlying technology has remained stable and proven during this time, the

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Your Email could be at risk: Part 2

The ecosystem around email has changed significantly and dramatically in just the last couple of years. Huge new business risks have come to the forefront.  Today, there’s a “New Standard” for business email—one that requires servers to protect your business

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Communication is Key to Business Success

For companies to succeed, the entire team must be able to communicate with each other, potential clients, and the world clearly and effectively. The best leaders motivate, inspire, and even discipline with direct communication. Market leaders sell products and services

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It’s a good time to have your head in the Cloud

The world today is the best possible scenario for small and medium sized businesses.  For the first time ever, small business has access to the same IT communication and collaboration infrastructure as big business, giving the former the best opportunity

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Cyber Crime: A look into the mind of a Hacker

It used to be that several months would go by without you hearing about a website being hacked.  Unfortunately today, it seems to be a weekly…sometimes even daily event.  More disconcerting is the fact that these nefarious actions have definitely

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Time’s Up Folks!

EXCHANGE 2007 end-of-life is coming sooner than you think.&Exchange 2003 is a thing of the past There is really no excuse to be running a decade old application and some might even say that it’s highly irresponsible to be still

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