Is Your Anti-Virus Still Relevant?

In 2016, the AV-Test Institute, a leading independent service provider in Anti-Virus Research registered over 390,000 new malicious programs every day. In 2016 they found 5 new malware threats each second and as the writing of their report counted 578,702,687 malware programs.

And if that doesn’t concern you, you should know that reports that 53% of all breaches are fileless malware. One thing is for certain, and that is we are all under attack, even if we don’t know it.

With this feverish high level of activity in the cyber underworld, it can be extremely difficult for businesses, particularly those with limited budgets to keep ahead of the game. Knowing this, the unscrupulous in the cyber world tend to target these, the most vulnerable. If your business falls within that category and you are using an anti-virus that you bought two or more years ago, you need to take a good look at your security infrastructure.

Threats Disguised as Trusted Applications

The entry of fileless malware, where payloads lie hidden virtually undetected in trusted software until they are remotely activated has left traditional signature-based anti-virus detection programs virtually helpless and particularly vulnerable to zero-day exploits.

The idea that cyber criminals are hacker masterminds hiding under hoodies are a thing of the past. Exploits kits-as-a-service are readily available on the market and the fact that many, looking for easy money, are using them has become a harsh reality for Jamaican network security.

97% of Organisations will be Targeted by a Non-Malware Attack

The most effective approach to protect your data is to employ a proactive security platform such as a Next Generation Anti-Virus that not only automatically stops the attacks, including malware, ransomware, zero-day and fileless malware, but it’s real-time threat activity report gives you zero-gap endpoint visibility. So you can see where the attack is coming from and know what they are trying to do. 

Added capabilities of NGAV that help to mitigate the risk of exploitation include:

  1. Protection from links not yet activated as weapons
  2. AI machine learning approach (power in the cloud)
  3. Use of online community for current information on new exploits
  4. Sandboxing.

Next Generation Anti-Virus is a powerful tool and every security conscious businesses should take a close look at this product. If you would like to see Next Gen Anti-Virus at work, contact Info Exchange, cyber security experts for the Caribbean, for a free demo. Contact us at, email, or call (876)931-9552.

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