Your Email Could Be at Risk: Part 1

Hackers Don’t Sleep.

If you are running an Exchange server on-premises or even if you lack certain email security capabilities, your email could be at risk. Most businesses rely on email to assist with day-to-day activities. But many businesses haven’t addressed new and seemingly unavoidable vulnerabilities in the new IT world, in other words hackers don’t sleep.

See 5 ways your email could be at risk:

1. Unprotected infrastructures.

For on-premises deployments, physical security needs to be considered because the facilities where servers are located may be vulnerable. You may not think about these risks until your offices are burglarized and the email servers are stolen or damaged. It’s especially risky for regulated businesses because this constitutes a data breach that may result in public disclosure and even lawsuits.

2. Lack of support.

Today’s standard requires email to be available 24/7/365.  However, you and most organizations run lean IT departments and lack the ability to offer 24/7 on-call service.  Unfortunately, when nobody is on-call, this can allow bugs to compound and increase in scale
causing critical security issues or costly downtime. [Hosted-Exchange]

3. Natural disasters.

Natural disasters are unavoidable and most you may lack the ability to protect yourself against local outages or disasters because the necessary solution is extremely complicated to deploy.  As a result, if a disaster was to strike, you would be left to deal with costly downtime and lost data.

4. Cyber threats.

Cybercrime is on the rise and as criminals use more sophisticated tactics, email administrators need to find new ways to combat these threats.  The trouble is many businesses don’t have the right infrastructure or resources to keep up with the changes in technology. This could result in stolen data, passwords or worse, millions of dollars.

5. Lost data.

Nearly half of all email sent and received today offers some business value to an organization.  But what happens if one of your employees deletes an email?  Or if someone sues your business?  If emails can’t be found or restored, it could result in permanent loss of data.

To mitigate the risks inherent to today’s email, your business must embrace a “New Standard” that requires high reliability, high security and intellectual property protection.  Does your business meet the standard?

Take the Assessment Test Now!

For more information 876-931-9552-3 or email us at

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