
Bad data sapping your team's productivity?

Bad Data Is Sapping Your Team’s Productivity

Written By: Thomas C. Redman | Publication: Harvard Business Review   In principle, new technologies help companies increase productivity: Logistics systems ensure that they have the right quantities of things they need, operational systems help automate production and the delivery

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What Great Remote Managers Do Differenty

What Great Remote Managers Do Differently

Article Written By: Raghu Krishnamoorthy “It’s like learning to drive on the wrong side of the road,” exclaimed Larry when I asked him how he experienced the shift to leading remote employees. “You have to get to the same destination

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Cybersecurity is not (just) a tech problem. It is a business problem

Cybersecurity Is Not (Just) a Tech Problem

Article Written By: Lakshmi Hanspal As remote work continues to be a pillar of our new normal, organizations are realizing that the security environment has dramatically changed. Securing remote work isn’t solely the job of the IT team, however —

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Business resilience

Make Resilience Your Company’s Strategic Advantage

Article Written By: Martin Reeves, Annelies O’Dea and Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak Over the last few years, business leaders have been reminded repeatedly of the interconnectedness and unpredictability of businesses, economies, and societies. Humanitarian disasters, from the pandemic to the war in

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