Work from

Efficiently, productively, and safely
The way users work has changed, applications are moving to cloud and the security perimeter has extended to the internet, and traditional VPNs are no longer suited to for this new world. Secure Remote Access provides seamless zero trust access to private applications running on public cloud or within the data centre. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is what your IT team needs to ensure that your users can work securely from anywhere. Make ZTNA a part of your digital transformation journey.

72% of organizations are concerned that VPNs may jeopardize IT’s ability to keep their environments secure.

CyberInsiders VPN Risk Report 2021

VPNs are a thing of the past

Today, network centric methods of connecting, like remote access VPN, are obsolete. Unlike VPNs, with Secure Remote Access your applications are never exposed to the internet, making them completely invisible to unauthorized users. So, you can have the peace of mind to work efficiently from anywhere.

Access specific apps without risk to the network

Authorized users have access to specific private apps without the need to access the network, reducing the risk of lateral movement and the spread of ransomware.

Segment by application, not network

Secure Remote Access has micro-tunnels that enable network admins to segment by application with no need to segment networks or manage Access Control Lists or Firewall policies.

Built for all users, remote and on-prem

Bring the power of zero trust to remote and on-prem users with ZPA’s cloud-delivered public and private service edge.

Inside-out connectivity means app invisibility

Service-initiated ZTNA architecture ensures apps connect outbound to authorized users. IP addresses are never exposed and DDoS is impossible.

100% cloud-delivered ZTNA service

ZTNA as a service allows for simple management, high availability, greater scale, and strong protection against DDoS attacks.

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) as a service

Secure Remote Access takes a user- and application-centric approach to private application access. This fully cloud-delivered service ensures that only authorized users have access to specific private applications by creating secure segments of one between individual devices and apps. That means no more network access, no more lateral movement. Rather than relying on physical or virtual appliances, Secure Remote Access uses lightweight software to connect apps and users to the security cloud, where the brokered micro-tunnels are stitched together in the location closest to the user.

View video 5 Benefits of Zero Trust Network Access

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